My kindergarten class. For “Show & Tell” I brought in the Rosko camera my father had gotten me. Our teacher, Mrs. Young, picked me up and stood me on a desk so I could snap a photo of the class. Shout-outs to Chuck, Steve, Lisa, Timmy, Rafe.


Expository Writing Program, Harvard University (1992-1994).

St. John’s University, New York, English Department (1994 - current).

Courses taught (* = new course designed & added to the curriculum)

Undergraduate Introduction to College Writing, Composition and Rhetoric, Advanced Composition, Business Writing, Honors Composition, Contemporary Poetry, Constructing Suburbia in Film and Literature*, Seminar in the Teaching of Writing*, Creative Writing: Nonfiction, Creative Writing: Fiction, Creative Writing: Poetry, Writing the Future*, Introduction to English Studies, Utopian and Dystopian Literature*, Literary Theory, ePortfolio Workshop*, Literature in a Global Context

Graduate Composition Theory, Writing Theory/Writing Practice*, Literary/Visual Texts*, Constructing Suburbia in Film and Literature*, Emerging Technologies and the Making of Meaning*, Introduction to the Profession of English, Theories of Literacy*, Writing Nonfiction Workshop, Writing the Future*, Young Adult Literature*

 Independent Studies Writing Center Theory and Practice, First-Year Writing Pedagogy, Flash Fiction  


Vice Provost, St. John's University (2010-2015)

Creator and Director, Institute for Writing Studies (2006-2017) (Chronicle of Higher Education)

Creator and Director, Writing Center (1996 - 2007)

Selected Conference Presentations

Over 90 invited talks given at conferences and symposia over the years. A sampling of titles:

"The Arts of Response: The Good, the Bad, and the (Incredibly) Ugly in Writing Workshop and Art Crit Feedback Styles.” The Arts in Society, June 2018.  

"Collage: Theory, Pedagogy, Practice." Northeast Modern Language Association, May 2015.

"We Are All Post-Experimental Now". Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 2015.  

"A Biodiverse Curriculum: Cultural Sustainability and Compositional Experimentation as Pedagogical Imperatives." A Cultural Sustainability Symposium. Sterling College, August 2013.

"Composing in the Age of Mashups." Scholar-to-Scholar Symposium, Suffolk Community College, February 2012.

"Reading Apocalypse, Writing Eutopia." University at Binghamton, February 2010.  

"Two-Million-Year-Old DJs, Mashing in the Dataverse." The Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies, August 2005.

“Tracing Memory's Braille: Mapping Lost Narratives.” New York College English Association. April 2005.

"Surviving Dreamtime." University of Kentucky, August 2003.

"Testifying and Bearing Witness." Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment, June 2003.

"On Listening to the Inner Ghosts/Within that Twilight Space/Where Fact and Fiction Cancel Out the Other." New York College English Association, September, 1997.

"Writing at World’s End." Teaching from a Nexus of Discourses in English Studies: Reconsidering Undergraduate Curricula. SUNY Albany, October, 1995.


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