

The Villagers. With Caroline Golden. Animal Heart Press, 2022.

 Shelf Unbound 2022 Best Indie Book, Notable Indie Award

 Awarded one of top ten "notable works" by Ancillary Review of Books

Memory’s Wake. Spuyten Duyvil, 2011.

Composition and Sustainability: Teaching for a Threatened Generation. Refiguring English Studies series. National Council of Teachers of English Press, 2001.

Resisting Writings (and the Boundaries of Composition). Southern Methodist University Press, 1994.

Fiction, poetry, and lyric essay in journals

96th of October. “Fish Fillets”, “The Explorers”, How Nine Lives Got Her Tails”, “Missy Dog and Brooklyn”, “The Tower”, “The Sensitive”, “The Mischief Maker”, “An Ecstasy of Hex Biddies, and Other Tales of Witchering”, “­The Hollow Earth Companion”, “The Notetaker”

The Purposeful Mayonnaise: “The Courier”

Feral: “The Chrysalis”, “The Siren”

CTRL + V: collage for Michael Blitz’s Stories in Search of….

Human Repair Kit: “Homegrown Omenizing”, “Murder Mystery”, “The Pioneer” (poetry & collage)

word for/word: “All These Miles and Miles of Stitches (They Are Never Finished)”; “Would That” (poetry & collage)

Occulum: “The ISTJ”

Medusa’s Laugh: “Orpheus and the Postcard Tree”

The Quiet Circle: “The Heavens”

Verbatim: “Let’s Bubble Up to the Surface and Smell the Numbers”

Requited: “Oh My God Did You Say Pooh Bear You Did You So Said Pooh Bear”

Scrutiny: “What Was in the Bag”

Map Literary: “Conveyors of a Loosely Knit Etheric Build” (poetry & collage)

NOON: “Crackle”

Eyedrum Periodically: “The Letters (in Four Elements)”

UnLost: collages; “Barnaby Tadpole Is Just My Pen Name”

Clockwise Cat: “Twelve Dreams for Jung”

Barzakh: box assemblage

Bourbon Penn: “Zombie Song”

Gone Lawn: “The Paralyzing Perfume of Beauty”

elimae: “In Swedenborg’s Heaven”, “He Ain’t Skeered”, “There Are Levels Past Which Things No Longer Connect”

Otoliths: “Sweet Burning Destiny of the Highland Duke's Reluctant Virgin Bride's Pulsing Fevered Desire”

e.ratio: “A Young Entrepreneur Named Kaminski”, “After Clark My Life Was Over”, “Hollow Earth”

The Southampton Review: “From a Long Line of Alchemists”

Seneca Review: “Rem/embr/ance”

Ecopoetics: “Ngurra Blues”

Pierogi Press: “Kulchurl Littersea”

Synaesthetic: “New York State Regents Competency Test”

Anabasis: “lufpomes”

Fantasy and Terror: “A Big Man Made of Dirt”, “Professor’s Holiday”

Yellow Silk: “After a Chinese Dinner”, “Motel Room Third Floor”

Academic Articles, Chapters, & Reviews (abbreviated list)

“Workshops, Crits, and the Arts of Response.” Exquisite Corpse: Art-Based Writing Practices in the Academy.  Kate Hanzalik and Nathalie Virgintino, editors. Parlor Press, 2019.

"'Letting the sheets of memory blow on the line': Phantom Limbs, World-ends, and the Unremembered." Educating for Sustainability in Unsustainable Environments. Jane Haladay and Scott Hicks, editors. Michigan State University Press, 2018.

"Critical Expressivism's Alchemical Challenge." Critical Expressivism: Theory and Practice in the Composition Classroom. Tara Roeder and Roseanne Gatto, editors. WAC Clearinghouse & Parlor Press, 2015.

"Multitopia: Composing at the Edge of the Map." Composing Other Spaces. Douglas Reichert Powell and John Paul Tassoni, editors. Hampton Press, 2009.

"Hideaways and Hangouts, Public Squares and Performance Spaces: New Metaphors for Writing Center Design." Creative Approaches to Writing Center Work. Kevin Dvorak and Shanti Bruce. Hampton Press, editors. 2008.

"From Site to Screen, From Screen to Site: Merging Place-Based Pedagogy with Web-based Technology." With Tim Lindgren. The Locations of Composition. Christopher J. Keller and Christian Weisser, editors. SUNY Press, 2007.

"Teaching In Situ." Relations, Locations, Positions: Composition Theory for Writing Teachers. Peter Vandenberg, Sue Hum, and Jennifer Clary-Lemon, editors. NCTE Press, 2006.

“Sex Dolls, Mice, and Mother’s Suitcase." Poetry and Pedagogy: The Challenge of the Contemporary. Joan Retallack and Juliana Spahr, editors. Pallgrave MacMillan 2006.

“What the Left Left Out.” Radical Relevance: Toward a Scholarship of the “Whole Left.’” Laura Gray-Rosendale and Stephen Rosendale, editors. SUNY Press, 2005.

"Curriculum for Seven Generations." Beyond English, Inc.: Discipline and Curriculum for English Studies in the 21st Century. David Downing, C Mark Hurlbert, and Paula Mathieu, editors. Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 2002.

"’Some People Just Want Their Stories to Die with Them.’" Public Works: Student Writing as Public Text. Emily Isaacs and Phoebe Jackson, editors. Heinemann, 2001.

“Student Fears About the Next Twenty-Five Years.” Futures Research Quarterly 16:4, Winter 2000: 51-61.

"When Violence Calls for a New Pedagogy." A review of Michael Blitz and C. Mark Hurlbert’s Letters for the Living: Teaching Writing in a Violent Age. Composition Studies 27.2, 1999: 109-114.

"Writing in the Hivemind." With Don Byrd. Literacy Theory in the Age of the Internet. Irene Ward and Todd Taylor, editors. Columbia University Press, 1998.

"From the Business Ethics Course to the Sustainable Curriculum." Journal of Business Ethics 17.15, 1998: 1765-1777.

"Liminal Drift: The Art of Getting Lost in Imaginal Space." Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 18: 3 & 4, August 1997: 225-37.

"The Aggregate Eye / A Rhetoric of Collage." Readerly/Writerly Texts: Essays on Literature, Literary/Textual Criticism, and Pedagogy 4.1 (1996): 9-30.

"Cannibals in the Mirror: Using a Sequence Approach with a Controversial Text." Statement: Journal of the Colorado Language Arts Society. 33:1, Fall 1996: 10-13.

"Metzger’s Current." Review of Blood and Volts: Edison, Tesla, and the Electric Chair," Th. Metzger. American Book Review June-July 1996: 6.

"Earthworm Hermeneutics." Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives in Learning 1, 1995- 96: 8-15.

"Writing in Tongues in the Virtual Sanctuary." The Little Magazine 20, 1994: 119-125. 

"Composition as the Voicing of Multiple Fictions." Into the Field: The Interdisciplinary Site of Composition Studies. Anne Ruggles Gere, editor. MLA, 1993.

"Beyond Eurocentric Rhetoric. "Works and Days 16, 1990: 87-101.


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